
16 Jan 2013

Furuno GPA-014 Antenna

GPS Antenna GPA-014

GPS Antenna GPA-014
Antenna for GPS signal reception
This antenna is designed especially for timing GPS receiver and GPS-steered frequency generator. Procured from a ship for Recycling plant. In extremely good condition. 
Ships the same day of payment. 

Is an antenna for receiving GPS signals (L1 band).
The antenna is configured for receiving filter for band limitation, the signal from the preamplifier for amplification.
Power for the operation of the preamplifier is supplied superimposed on the signal line.
Supply voltage is extensive and 4 ~ 13V.
You will be able to fix the antenna using the optional mounting aid.

Frequency band
1575.42MH ± 1.023MHz
Polarized wave
Right-handed circularly polarized wave
Directional characteristics of the antenna
Over 0dBi (90 degrees elevation)
over-10dBi (5 degrees elevation)
Output Impedance
The overall gain
Within 30 ± 4dBi
Noise figure
2.1dB or less
Less than 2.0
Supply voltage
DC 4 ~ 13V
Power consumption
25mA (typ) ~ 30mA (MAX)
Environment specification
80 ℃ -30 ~: Operating Temperature
-40 ~ 85 ℃: Storage temperature
equivalent form JIS A 1415 WS: sex vs. weather
equivalent JIS C 0920 IP-X6: aqueous versus
equivalent JIS Z 2371: nature versus saline
Connector type